Thu 02 Jan
❀❀❀▃▃▃❀❀❀ 100% REAL PIC ❀❀❀▃▃▃❀❀❀ SEXY & BUSTY ❤❤❤ ASIAN INCALL & OUTCALL 720-255-3245❀❀❀ - 21
(Aurora, aurora dtc airport outcall to anywhere, Denver)
$100 Specials!----- THE SEXY FREAK YOU HAVE BEEN SEARCHING FOR! ---- Nice, Wet & Tight!!!!! - 21
(My place or yours)
$100 Specials _____ >>>___°S°E°X°Y° _____*____ E X O T I C __ ** ____ H O T T T I E * __NEW PICS
(Nice Private Incall *Five Star Service*)
*Hot* Extioc * Island girl !!*Great w/a very Curvaious Sexy Body - 25
(North SD County, San diego / Oceanside)
Hot CoCo(real pic) & Linda(real pic) -- 10/14 New arrival -- don't miss out - 25
(North SD County, Oceanside / Carlsbad / Vista)
Hot Blonde With DD's ! ! Incall Or Outcall * * I Love to PLEASE A Man ! I Promise You Wont Regret It - 22
(City of San Diego, San Diego INcall OR OUTcall)
°* ° ° PLEASURE» -(¯`v´¯)-LIKE» -(¯`v´¯)- »NO» -(¯`v´¯)-» OTHER» -(¯`v´¯)-» ° ° * ° - 35
(Las Vegas)
R e a d _ M y_ T .E .R ._ R e v i e w s_ &_ S e e_ 4_ Y o u r s e l f !!!!! Call Me - 25
(Las Vegas / 5 min from strip)
Rεaℓ & Upscαℓε •♥• εxotic •♡• ßεαuty •♥• αvαiℓabℓε! •♡• $pεcials!!!!!!!! - 22
(Las Vegas, Charleston blvd)
HOT thick VA'S finesT Thick thick thick,,,, FUn Loveable IN OCEAnside - 22
(OCEANSIDE/ outcalls all over!)
~ HOT NEW BLONDE~ * ~ Ready Now ~ * Incall ~ - 18
(City of San Diego, Poway Incalls & Outcalls Up Late!)
((*HOTT! SPeCiaLS*!)) SUPER! HOT! PeTiTe* LaTiNa* SpiNNeR*! - 19
****** Petite Mid-Western Girl *******Petite Mid-Western Girl *******Petite Mid-Western Girl ******* - 27
(Las vegas, VEGAS / SUMMERLIN)
__________ _ BEAUTiFUL _TiGHT BODY ___ _______ PuRely PlEaSUREable ______ NEW PICS
(!!! HOT SEXY & REAL!!! Nice Upcscale In)
*❤*Ph@t b00TY O!LED up & Re@dy 2 B SL@Pped *❤* 1 ✰ ✰%Th!Ck & FrE@Ky *💋* AMAZiNG PHAT AZZ💋 - 19
(Las Vegas, Incall minutes from strip, or outcalls a)
★★ ★★ ★★ R _U _S_ S_ I_ A_ N ___ B_-R_U_N_E_T_T _E ___B_O__M__B __S__H__E__L__L __ ★ incall ★ 120 - 23
(Las Vegas, outcalls and INCALL on strip)
🎀💖🎀photo verify 44EE boobs 🎀💖🎀 blonde/IN CALL 🎀💖🎀flat fee🎀💖🎀 mature Midwest soccer mom - 45
(702-931-7179💖 incall by flamingo hotel, Las Vegas, NorthWest)
-- [ PeTiTe ] ---- [ OpEn-MinDeD ] ---- [ BLoNde ] ---- [ GiRL-NeXt-DoOr ] ---- [ $1OO SPeCiaL ] -- - 21
(Las Vegas, incall & outcall *NO Agency - Just ME!*)
[* HOT $PECIAL$!! ] (( ★ _ MAiN ATTRACTiON__ ★ )) HuRRy! ( HOTT! 100 $PECIAL$! ) - 25
(Pacific Beach / 5fwy)
.•*¨¨*•- :¦:-•* Petite ♚* .•*¨¨*•- :¦:-•* Playmate ♚* .•*¨¨*•- :¦:-•* Specials ♚* .•*¨¨*•- :¦:-•* - 25
(Las Vegas, S. LAS VEGAS BLVD)
💕💕💕💕Petite Young Ready To Have Fun!!!💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕Incall or Outcall $125 HH💕💕💕💕💕👄👄👄👄💦💦💦 - 20
(Las Vegas, The Strip)
-- petite ---- OpenMinded ---- WeLL ReVieWeD ---- BLONDE ---- Girl~NeXt~DoOr ---- **$1OO SpECiaL** - - 21
(Las Vegas, incall & outcall * NO Agency - Just ME *)
(G_o_R_g_ E_o_U_s ) °°★°° (_S_e_X_y_) °°★°° (_B_ e_A _u_T_i _F_u _L) EXOTIC - 22
(South SD County, National City Incalls)
PERFECTION At Its Finest Call MANDYPLATINUM PLUS 4 U RARE Talent 727*565*3820 (NEW PICS) 1OR2Girls - 26
(Pinellas Co, IN/275&54TH AVE N.~OUT/PINELLAS,TAMPA,)
Free dinner time with upscale European princess!! - 33
(City of San Diego, san diego (incall/outcall))
Party Too Hard Lastnight Head Pounding? I Can Make U Feel All Better!! Specials! - 30
(Hillsborough Co, I75,Gbsonton,Riverview,ApolloBch,Brandon, Tampa)
Incall/Outcall TAMPA 150-175 TODAY 34dd's blonde HOT HOT HOT- 34 - 34
(Incall/OutcallTampa Bay area)
·.¸¸.·´¯☆ Gentlemen, Make Your Days & Nites .¸¸.·´¯☆ Intoxicating --Redd .¸¸.·´¯☆ - 46
(oceanside, vista, carlsbad, escondido)
open minded . . . . sexy & sweet . . . . yummy treat
(Fort Myers, Lakeland, Sarasota, Tampa, In your arms ;))
💖Fun & Flirty 🔝Provider 💯% ReaL✔ BiG $70 SoFt T***ies✔ BeauTiIFuL FaCe 💋💕Why Wait Lets Play 💕 - 25
(National City Incall/Outcall all over, San Diego, South SD County)
Fetish Friendly & Up for a Good Time-Adult Companionship at its Best !See me today - 48
(City of San Diego, INCALL Private Residence-National City)
Full Body Massage Petite Asian 90 Incall Special *~*~*Downtown San Diego*~*~* - 21
(by Convention Center)
(NEW PICS) ***Doing what your girlfriend cannot*** (NEW PICS) Ask me about my 4 HAND SPECIAL! - 31
(Pinellas Co, St Petersburg)
New Pics *100 l INCALL Special*•*°❤ Pick Up Ur ☎ & Call ❤ - 34
(Pinellas Co, My Place Or Yours(No Motels))
*NeW PiCs* Independent Mature Sexy Blond! Avail.NoW for Incall (4th&Gandy;) Outcall? - 36
(Pinellas Co, St.pete/Tampa/Clearwater/Largo/Beaches/?)
EARLY ((° *B I R D *° * * ° * S P E CI A L S* ° * )) - 22
(mission valley incalls)
[[ E X O T IC ¤ HOTTie [[ SeXy & F U N ]]_ No R u S h ¤1 O O% Real P i c s_ *$ 1 O O specials* - 19
(Hotel Circle)
New Girls In Town Yeah, we're HOT . . . But its our SKILLS that will keep you coming back! - 31
°*ஐ*° DoUbLe °**° TrOuBLe °*ஐ*° In DoWnToWn SaN DiEgO - 24
(Downtown Incall & Outcall Per App.)
**New Pic!!**.Guess For the **DEAL OF THE CENTURY!!** :D US 19 N Palm Harbor**Let's Party!** - 45
(Pasco Co, palm harbor/clearwater/tampa)
Do you like curvy women? All natural 36DDD. Specials End Saturday! - 31
(City of San Diego, San Diego)
😙❤🍭DoNt mIsS oUt ON a GreAT tImE wiTh tHiS sExY tiGhT peTiTE bOMbShElL 😙❤🍭 - 22
(City of San Diego, All of San Diego)
Dry weekend with no play? Let me play with you! - 33
(City of San Diego, san diego (incall/outcall))
Blonde Hair Blue Eye Girl Next Door ... 32 DD* 24 *26 ! ! Private Upscale Incall Or Outcall ! - 21
(North SD County, Del Mar Incall OR Outcall)
💖✨💖✨💖 💖✨💖✨💖 BLUE EYED AUBURN BOMBSHELL1000% REAL PICS💖✨!✨UPSCALE INCALL 💖✨💖✨💖 Beautiful!! Fun!!! ✨✨ - 28
(City of San Diego, InCALL SanDiego)
**LOOK!! WEEK END OUT CALL SPECIAL!!! *INCALL 70 KISS**SEXXY** CLASSY** Busty **KANdi** 813-484-1666 - 29
(Pinellas Co, clearwater on gulf to bay)
❶►LOOK••►HeRE ❤▬❶T ❤ FReAKY❤ REDB❶NE ❤NEW❶❤►1OO%ReAL 🇲🇪❤►1OO% EXoT❶C•CuTiE❤❤ ❤BiG ►B❶❶TY" - 21
(Hillsborough Co, bush 56)
💋SeXy BuStY PeTiTe 🍭🎶🎉 Working until 5pm 🎉🎶 MiLA! 🎀💋 🅱eSt ReViEwEd! 💎Come celebrate with me !!! 😘 - 21
(Columbus, 🍉 Brice rd 😘🎶🎶)
LUXURY Tampa Incall Available Today Until Midnight ONLY! Reviewed Redhead GFE Leaving Tomorrow! - 23
♥Saturday special!♥ Sweet Smooth & Sexy Miss Liz Available NOW ♥ C'mon, you know you want to! - 21
(Columbus, West Hilliard)
_______________ S __€ __X __Y ________ H __Ö __T ________ L__A __T __I__N__A ________________ - 21
(Columbus, ▃ ▆ █ ♡ __DOWNTOWN INCALLS_ ♡ █ ▆ ▃)